Search for flight

How to booking image step 1
Start searching by specifying flight details.

Select your preferred flight

How to booking image step 2
Flight details including airlines, flight schedule, fare, etc.
will be shown on flight search result

Input your contact and passenger information

How to booking image step 3
After selecting your flight,
please fill in your contact and passenger(s) information

Proceed to payment

How to booking image step 4
Select payment channel you prefer, and complete payment within specified time

Receive e-Receipt and e-Ticket​

How to booking image step 5
After payment is completed, you will receive 2 emails which are (1) e-receipt: once payment is received​
(2) e-Ticket: once we’ve issued your flight ticket

If you need any assistance or have not received electronic ticket/booking confirmation within 60 minutes after payment,
please contact our customer service which is available 24 hours

Customer Service